Caffeine Calculator
Caffeine occurs naturally in foods, such as coffee, tea and cocoa and has a long history of use as a mild stimulant. Products are also available with added caffeine, including cola-type soft drinks and formulated caffeinated beverages (energy drinks).
There is no recognised safe limit for caffeine health-based guidance value. However, a FSANZ Expert Working Group analysed the available literature in 2000 and concluded that there was evidence of increased anxiety levels in children at intakes of about 3 mg of caffeine per kilogram of bodyweight per day. This amount for children aged 9-13 corresponds to a caffeine intake of 120 mg per day (approximately two cans of cola) and about 240 mg per day (approximately three cups of instant coffee) for adults.
This calculator is a guide and for general use only. It is not designed to replace medical advice from a qualified medical practitioner. The amount of caffeine you can consume will vary from person to person. Always seek medical advice.
Your responses should be based on daily intake:
Recommended Maximum Levels of Caffeine:
Under 18 Years of Age
No more than 3mg of caffeine per kilo body weight per single serving
Over 18 Years of Age
Maximum 400mg of caffeine per day
Maximum 200mg of caffeine per serving
Pregnant / Breastfeeding
Maximum 200mg of caffeine per day
Expresso - 145mg p/50ml cup
Energy Drinks - 80mg p/250ml can
Instant Coffee - 1 teaspoon per cup; 80ml p/250ml cup
Black Tea - 50ml p/220ml cup
Cola Drinks - 36.4mg p/375ml can
Milk Chocolate - 10mg p/50g bar
This information was accurate at the time of publication.
For uptodate information you can access the Food Standards Australia New Zealand website.
*Reference: Food Standards Australia New Zealand